The moment I finished my earlier post, I found another link for a "What famous leader are you ?" quiz on SnglGuy's blog. Since I was already in a quiz-taking n results-analzing mood, I took this one also and to my utter surprise I am JFK. Wow...standing ovation to me please :). First I took the quiz with 9 questions, then 27 questions and then with 45 questions. Same result each time. Pretty consistent..hmm..!!!
Then, still feeling a bit unsatisfied, I closed the window, cleared the browser cookies and took the test again with 9 and then 45 questions. This time, I came out to be Bill Clinton. Now I am kind of confused. As far as I think, they are very different personalities. Any comments on this deadlock...Who Am I ?????
hee guy! it's true! there ya go, kanishk--you've got it made.
i took the test four times with all of the different numbers of questions, too.
hey i did the test and told me I am Gandhi... i do not see the connection, except that i love indians :P
what was this??i too got the same results:O..clinton n kennedy..too bad...
Another JFK.. seems like everybody is a JFK... or a Clinton. hehe.
abt' who u are..??u needn't take some tests..a leader is one who makes others follow him..n not identify himself with other leaders
hi! i forgot about your blog!, but i´m here again, it´s very interesting to read what u write.
i like it!
bye, bye!!
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