Another online quiz, again sincere thanx to my dear friend
Raluca (online Quiz expert) for proving me to be a High-Level Nerd. I am smart...but not this much nerd..I do hang-out (with girls), love music & shaking on dance-floor, have plenty of friends and a good social life...NNNNNOOOOOO0000000000...!!!! I object...!!!!

Your Score Summary
13% scored higher (more nerdy), and 87% scored lower (less nerdy).
Your nerdiness is: High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!.
If you have taken the quiz by now, then tell me, how can you prove someone to be a Nerd by asking the basic high-school freshman kind of questions ????????
DON'T do anymore tests, kanishk. i am looking really really dull and boring these days. sigh.
Don't take it so hard :) I'm sure JFK or Clinton would score pretty much the same. Most of my engineering friends scored high, as compared to the social sciences ones.
hi Mr.Kanishk,
Thanku 4 dropping in 2 my blog.
glad to meet u while blogging!
hope u r indian!
Me too.
I have taken the test. And i scored 92%
Also its commented me to join MIT immediate,...
i like quiz or tests of personalitity developement.
this one is really interesting.
Welcome back!!!
hi! thank u very much for your comment, it´s glad to know u like my paintings.
..mmm...i wll never do a quiz like that, it´s not for me!! jajajja!
Heyya! about a year ago I took this test and was found to be "lightly nerdy" (score of 49). I took again just now, and got a score of 56 (somewhat nerdy). I'm relatively consistent, I suppose, LOL!
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