Education is a social process...
Education is growth...
Education is not only preparation for life,
Education is Life Itself.
I went down the memory lane, about 7 years ago on August 18,1998, my first day in college after I got admission there. I was sitting on the stairs in front of the entrance of the auditorium, exactly in front of this sign. At that time, I found it really kool, fandoo, awesome, impressive etc. I am sure now that I dint understood the real meaning, the real depth in this statement. But now I do understand the importance of education. Education doesnt mean just the degree or diploma you get....it means how much you have learnt. Each phrase of this statement is so meaningful (if you think about it). The four memorable years, I spent in PEC, I dint just learned from the books or classes, but I learned through the life there. Seven years ago, I found this phrase really kool, fandoo, awesome and impressive, but today, I find it inspiring, meaningful and sensible...................... because, now I am educated !!!
Hi Kanishk
I noticed that you were linking to me and I visited your blog. Ynterresting to note that you joined PEC in '98 whoch was the yeaar I graduated. oYou write well keep writing.
The very fact that u understood the meaning...shows that ur educated now:)
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