Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Life, The Universe & Everything

Yeah...yeah...all you fans of Douglas Adams might be thinking that I copied the title of this post from one of his masterpieces. The title might be copied from there because I couldn't think of something else, but the content is not...certainly. Life sometimes does takes one through a path, which he has never thought of or imagined either, sometimes not even dreamt of. And at a certain instant, it feels like that everything is at stake and the worst thing is that "instant" continues to what seem to be forever and ever......
That "instant" is so tough to get along with unlike all others "instants". Especially, when one is aware that he or one of his doing(s) is compeletely responsible for the creation of this particular ever-lasting, tough-to-deal instant. That is exactly when, that "one" starts to think about the life, the universe and almost everything except the happenings of that instant. And this is solely because, there seem to be no possible way out from there. The enormity of the scenario appears to be a result of cumulative whirlpools, nested in each other. No matter, how to one thinks, or feels or acts, he is doomed to get sucked by that mega-whirlpool at the center.
And...I am doomed....!!!

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