My liking for mafia/mob movies continues with another post. This time it is "
The Untouchables" starring Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, De Niro and Andy Garcia. Based on a fictional story in the prohibition era Chicago in 1920s, this movie has two real characters Al Capone and Elliot Ness, and rest all is a good work of fiction. Sean Connery got an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. The soundtrack is really awesome and was nominated for several awards at that time. Unlike Goodfellas, this is the story about the passion and determination of a Treasury Agent to bring down the kingdom of gangster Al Capone. Some quotes I liked, are:
1. You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone!
2. Never stop, never stop fighting till the fight is done.
3. If you're afraid of getting a rotten apple, don't get it from the barrel, get it off the tree.
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