Friday, September 30, 2005

Moverz n Shakerz

Two weeks ago, I moved out of the city where I did my Masters and moved to a friend’s place in the area, where I am interested to live and work. Anyway, that’s not a big deal. Everyone does so…known as: moving to greener pastures (however I have moved to north which is mostly white of snow). Now this process of moving is a painstaking one. You ought to take so many binary decisions. Either you can keep something and pack it (considered 1) or just trash it (considered 0). Decision 1 is not dependent just on your desire and attachment to that particular thing, but rather subjected to the availability of space in your suitcase and boxes. Decision 0 is affected by your ability to sever your attachment with that thing and respectfully place it in the trash can. Once placed, there is no turning back. By the time you will go to take it out from trash can (hats off to you), your roommate must have dumped some more garbage over it (sometimes roommates act faster than you think). Since I am moving every year from past 7 years, my packing skills have greatly improved. The fine print here is that my ability to part away from my belongings has decreased. Then, I run into the great conflict of volume vs. weight. All airlines have meticulously fixed their baggage policies in such a way that it is literally impossible to fix the stuff in the bag without exceeding the weight requirements. After making several combinations and adjustments, I finally made my mind to pay extra charges to the airlines (assuming it to be act of generosity and making a major contribution to prevent one more airline going bankrupt). Finally, thou moved safely…..!!!


11181955 said...

Thanks for stopping by..Came to see your too!! Yes I know the feeling of moving, as I moved a few months back and still trying to find things, but afraid to let go of anything..Sad Huh!

Anon said...

hey fella....every year in 7 years!!!!.Was it wanderlust or just circumstances.
BTW nice post.......i felt like that when i was moving from coll to another....That was like leaving back a part of yourself in those engg corridors..........

Dreamer said...

Being and army officers daughter.. traveling has always been a part of my life. Yeah I agree itz a pain to leave things and more importantly people behind. But life goes on and soon all that will become a mere memory . with each passin day u wil come to like to present more and let the past fade away.. sail ahoy sailor.. the ocean of life is vast ....explore and enjoy.. don't think of things left behind.. as far as people are concerned . those who matter and really care they will alwaz be there. (u never leave them behind)

Ruxi said...

how up north did you move?
i am happy i moved :) I am get excited about autumn and leaves falling on the sidewalk.. I love that there are sidewalks and shopps on the side that are small and that you can feel the beat of the city.